
Ayodhya : GDSC Speaker Session and Teach Talk with Experts From different Industries

Ayodhya: Who did this? The GDSC Core Team, organised by Rahat Nazish (Ex.byju’s Employee, ex.Lomos employess , upcoming Microsoft Intern).

Where was Event: Dr. Rammanohar Lohia Avadh University (Department of Business Management and Entrepreneurship)

What was the discussion about—what’s Inside computer science?

What was the discussion about? –

In this event, the discussion was about various fields in computer science and their benefits. This is the first event of this type at Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Awadh University. In this event, we connected with many speakers who are working for MNCs. This event has been organised by GDSC team members (Ashutosh, Amit, Shubhankar, and Jitendra) and GDSC lead Utkarsh Verma.

Recently, the GDSC Core Team organized a Speaker Session and Tech Talk at the Department of Business Management and Entrepreneurship, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University, with experts from different industries. The event was organized by Rahat Nazish, an ex-Byju’s and Lomos employee and an upcoming Microsoft intern.

The discussion revolved around various fields in computer science and their benefits. The event was attended by several speakers from renowned MNCs, providing insights into the diverse career opportunities in computer science. This event was the first of its kind at the university, and it provided a valuable platform for the attendees to interact with industry experts and gain knowledge about the latest developments in the field of computer science.

Overall, the event was a success, and the attendees gained a wealth of knowledge from the expert speakers. The GDSC Core Team, along with the university, hopes to continue organizing such events in the future to promote a culture of learning and development among students and professionals alike.

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